Professional quality violins at affordable prices! Plus, one-of-a-kind custom instruments and heritage fine violins.
Kennedy Violins is an online violin shop that you can have confidence in—because our customer service staff goes the extra mile for you. The musicians who staff our violin store and luthier shop in Vancouver, WA want to make sure you have selected the right instrument for you, and that it is set up to perfection. If your are nearby, come in and see us. We love getting to know fellow musicians.
Ask about our in-home trials. Our new violins combine classic beauty plus modern construction. We also offer a selection of new and heritage fine violins to to suit your performance style. Our knowledgable staff can help you find the right instrument for you. See all our violins.
Most of our violins listings include videos. You can listen to more violin demonstration videos on YouTube. If you need more information on any these violins please contact the shop.
Anton Gerard Violin Outfit
Louis Carpini Master Series Violin Outfit
CLEARANCE Nikola Zubak Violin Outfit
CLEARANCE Mikhail Vitacek Violin Outfit
Nikola Zubak Violin Outfit
The "Tavern" Violin
Sacconi Model Violin
CLEARANCE Vitacek Master Series Violin Outfit
Vitacek Master Series Violin Outfit
Renée Nicolette Master Series Violin Outfit
Mikhail Vitacek Violin Outfit
CLEARANCE Zubak Soloist Violin Outfit
Ricard Bunnel Master Series Violin Outfit