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Marc LaBerte Violin

Sale Price: $5,500

Our Price: $7,500

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  • One piece moderately flamed maple back
  • Great condition French Violin
  • Very sweet sounding with a nice upper register
  • Please call for more information 1-800-779-0242.

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Outfit Accessories:

Case: Oblong Case (or call for upgrade options)

Bow: Not included in consignment sales.

Rosin: Not included in consignment sales.

Accessories: Not included in consignment sales.

Recommended Upgrade: N/A

Labelled Pait Sous La Direction de Marc Laberte Mirecourt France anno 1938 Copie de Antonius Stradivarius Cremonelis Faciebat Anno 1721. This French Laberte violin, has a beautiful well flamed one piece maple back with matching sides. Its top is even grained, and it is setup wtih Ebony pegs, but a boxwood tailpiece and chin rest. This violin has a sweet singing tone and is a bit more mellow sounding. A nice Stradivarius model that is well constructed and in great condition. This would make a great violin for someone seeking something with sweeter voice.

Marc LaBerte Violin in action