Comparing Pernambuco Bows to Ipe Bows
Lauren and Zach do a back-to-back comparison of lupot-style pernambuco and ipe violin bows by L'archet Brasil. As is turns out, Ipe wood compares very favorably with Pernambuco. Which is a good thing, since Brazil is not currently allowing the export of ipe wood. Zach also gives a bit of penambuco history.
The direct compaison of the pernambuco to ipe bow is at 4:27 in the Video.
Bows selection is closely tied to individual playing style and how well a bow pairs with a particular instrument. So Zach recommends, if you can't come in to the shop, that you take advantage of our In-Home Trial Program when purchasing a higher-end violin bow. You can try up to two instruments and up to four bows.
At the time of this post we have ipe bows in stock for both violin and viola.